It is possible to cure erectile dysfunction on your own in 95% of cases. You just need to find out what caused the decrease in sexual strength and libido. How to raise potency at home?
The best way out is to use sexual stimulants. To stabilize an erection, drugs of synthetic origin, produced in the form of solutions for injections, tinctures and tablets, are allowed. Plant-based dietary supplements have also worked well.
For auxiliary purposes, the use of traditional medicine and certain food products is allowed. Some physical exercises, massage of the prostate gland and penis have a good effect on sexual strength.
Causes and diagnosis of impotence

To understand the question of how to raise an erection, you must first find out the reason for the decrease in sexual strength. Usually, sexual dysfunction develops as a result of psychological disorders.
Among men, especially young men, such a phenomenon as ASFES (anxious expectation of sexual failure syndrome) is widespread. It develops as a result of unsuccessful sexual experience, complexes, fear of not satisfying the chosen one, and even fear of contracting an STD.
Other factors can lead to impaired erectile function:
- Diabetes mellitus (type I and II).
- Chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, cystitis, urethritis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. Even cancer can cause a violation of potency.
- Lack of testosterone. This problem is especially common among men over the age of 50. It is during this period that androgens cease to be synthesized in sufficient quantities.
- Diseases accompanied by impaired nerve conduction. ED can be caused by multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, herniated discs, and even spinal cord pathologies.
- Injuries to the penis, spinal cord, perineal organs.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. IHD, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), arrhythmia, heart failure, and recent myocardial infarction can reduce an erection. Heart surgery and stroke can adversely affect sexual strength.
- Long-term use of antiandrogens, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, drugs for gout and diabetes, tranquilizers, sedative pills, beta-blockers, cardiac glycosides.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Physical overload.
- Bad habits and unbalanced diet.
- Prolonged lack of sex.
- Passive lifestyle.
To pinpoint the root cause of ED, a physical examination of the penis and scrotum is done. Also, a rectal examination of the prostate gland, a study of nocturnal erections, and a psychosocial examination are performed.
In addition, the patient needs to take a blood test for PSA (prostate specific antigen), free and total testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin.
For auxiliary purposes, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and an erection test are used (a special drug is used in the analysis).
Folk advice and food to increase potency

How to raise a man's potency? Some products help a lot in this. The level of androgens in the blood and the state of the cardiovascular system largely depend on dietary habits.
To increase sexual desire and potency, a man needs to eat foods that are a source of protein, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, magnesium, folic acid, essential amino acids.
Oysters, rennet (dried camel stomach), fatty fish, some fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir), chicken eggs are excellent help in the fight against sluggish erection. Spices (ginger, coriander, adjika, mustard), herbs (parsley, dill, spinach, celery), fresh vegetables and fruits also have a good effect on sexual potency.
Among the drinks, brewed coffee, green and herbal tea will be useful. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices without sugar are effective for potency and hormonal levels. They can be consumed daily, but it is advisable to drink juices in the afternoon.
Some folk recipes help to increase potency and increase libido:
- Ginkgo biloba decoction.For cooking, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs and a glass of boiling water. Boil the product over low heat for 15-20 minutes, cool and strain through cheesecloth. Take a decoction of ginkgo biloba in a dosage of 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.
- Celery decoction.To prepare, mix 300 ml of warm water and 50 grams of chopped celery. Boil the drug for 20 minutes over low heat and strain. Take in a dosage of 150 ml 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- Red wine syrup.For cooking, you will need 30 grams of prunes, 20 grams of raisins, 20 grams of dried apricots, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, 400 ml of red wine. Chop dried fruits and mix with other ingredients. Simmer the drug over low heat for an hour. Then cool the syrup in the refrigerator. Take in a dosage of 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
- Pumpkin seeds.They can be consumed raw.
- Walnuts with honey.You can eat the mixture daily at a dosage of 30-40 grams.
Alternative methods of treatment will not help if erectile dysfunction is of organic or mixed origin.
Massage and exercises to increase potency
Doctors advise men suffering from poor erection to exercise regularly. The most useful are power loads, that is, work with weights, a barbell, dumbbells and other apparatus.
Strength loads stimulate the active synthesis of testosterone and growth hormone. Why? The fact is that when lifting weights, muscles are damaged. To restore fiber, the body requires an increased amount of anabolic hormones.
Sports such as yoga, football, tennis, basketball, martial arts, crossfit, Nordic walking, and running will be no less effective. If you have health problems, you can do with ordinary walking.
To increase potency in a natural way help:
- Prostate massage.It can be performed using a prostate stimulator with a built-in vibrator. Stimulation is recommended no earlier than 2-3 hours after eating. Before the procedure, it is better to consume 500-600 ml of liquid, as with a full bladder, the effectiveness of the massage will be higher. Frequency rate - 3 times a week. It is necessary to massage the prostate no longer than 3-4 minutes.
- Penis massage.Movements should be circular and fluid. You need to massage the penis in a non-erect state. The procedure can be carried out daily 2-3 times a day. The duration of the massage is 3-5 minutes.
- Testicular massage.You need to grab the testicles and massage them with your thumbs. It is recommended to avoid strong pressure. The procedure is performed once a day. The duration of the massage is no more than 3 minutes.
During massage procedures, especially when stimulating the prostate and penis, lubricants should be used to avoid mechanical damage to the rectum and phallus.
Natural and synthetic drugs for impotence
How to raise potency after 50? For these purposes, it is best to use synthetic or naturopathic drugs. The fastest-acting drugs for poor erections are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors.
Their advantage is speed and the absence of the need for long-term administration.
Dietary supplements can also be used to treat erectile function. Naturopathic remedies can have a positive effect on erectile function, testosterone synthesis, immune system function, and sexual desire (libido).